FedEx World Service Center i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoFedEx World Service Center



🕗 åbningstider

12, Calle 2, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 800-463-3339
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4150682, Longitude: -66.1057127

kommentar 5

  • es

    Jaime Ortiz


    Servicio fatal

  • Lin Medina

    Lin Medina


    Fedex employees are stealing! Fedex needs to address the integrity issue they are having within their company. After unsuccesful attempts to figure out why the generator í shipped, payed for and arrived in PR has not been delivered with rep agent Sergio. He advised they cannot delivered it since the generators are disappearing from the trucks. So basically an over 100lb box is walking out of the trucks in less than 4mins on their own or Superman is doing a flyby. Impossible for someone to carry a box that heavy unseen from the trucks in under 5 mins. So its safe to say Fedex employees are taking the generators for themselves and possibly reselling them as well. Payed over $100 to get it shipped and still dealing with this issue.

  • es

    Savcal Otero


    Pésimo servicio al cliente. Envié 2 paquetes para recoger en la tienda, se le indicó en el envío, se llama a servicio al cliente para corroborar recogido y resulta que cuando se va a recoger la persona que have delivery se lo llevó a la calle pq no leyó las notas. O sea pague por el envío rápido para nada pq hacen lo que les da la gana y como quiera se termina esperando igual que el correo.

  • Ignacio Lasalde

    Ignacio Lasalde


    Quality customer service with a good location and parking.

  • es

    Ricardo Moreno


    Me ha salvado la vida mil veces. Es conveniente y siempre atienden rápido

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