Fiat & Alfa Romeo de San Juan i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoFiat & Alfa Romeo de San Juan



🕗 åbningstider

Urb, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-493-0614
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3778327, Longitude: -66.1079421

kommentar 5

  • Marino Hernandez

    Marino Hernandez


    Excellent service and attention from the staff. Thanks to Alejandra Hernandez and Cesar. They taking care of the Fiat and help my wife to locate the waiting room. Thanks for the service, A+1...🍷😊

  • Mariana Blanes

    Mariana Blanes


    Terrible customer service. Called for a week to schedule a recall service and they never answered so I decided to schedule an appointment online. Was pointless since I was told the fix would take about an hour, so I came back after three (they wouldn’t answer the phone to check if it was ready). When I came back was when they decided to start the fix. I’ll avoid coming back at all costs.

  • Vanessa Ballester

    Vanessa Ballester


    The employees are friendly, but they didn't have the cable that was supposed to be changed due to a recall issue. Made the appointment last week. They found a couple of situations that needed fixing but at the end, I waited 6 hours and they could not resolve them.

  • Alexandro Padrofret

    Alexandro Padrofret


    Poor service, dont know when is the next service scheduled and qasnt told that either. It took almost 3 hours just to changed oil and filter and tire rotation come on too long or to slow. Price ridiculously high.

  • Alfonso Diaz

    Alfonso Diaz


    Jorge Torres is a very professional salesman. The follow up was not agressive but balanced. The quality of the delivery experience was second to none. Their facilities although small for a multi brand dealer are very well located and elegant. I recommend this place.

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