Fine Arts Cafe i San Juan

Puerto RicoFine Arts Cafe


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153, Avenida de la Constitución, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-2339
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Latitude: 18.428175, Longitude: -66.0585289

kommentar 5

  • pastor PEDRO MONTOYA

    pastor PEDRO MONTOYA


    It is a nice place, although it could be better; the attention of those who serve in the cafeteria is terrible, it seems that they are exhausted and do not want to serve more people.

  • Enid Colon

    Enid Colon


    Excellent place, I love the movies, the chairs, the atmosphere there is really great.

  • Rodolfo Barrios Quinones

    Rodolfo Barrios Quinones


    A very expensive theater with good menu and security however, maintenance in curtains and bathroom floor is needed. When top price is paid, top maintenance is expected.

  • Maritza I Rivera

    Maritza I Rivera


    Nice place to snack and watch a good movie

  • Suaih Morales

    Suaih Morales


    One of the few cinemas in which you can drink beer or wine and eat (even sushi!). Watch foreign movies, comfty chairs! Very nice place!

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