First Bank Auto Business Center i San Juan

Puerto RicoFirst Bank Auto Business Center



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130, Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera, 00918, San Juan, Hato Rey Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-2511
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.405548, Longitude: -66.0567684

kommentar 5

  • Renato Gois Figueiredo

    Renato Gois Figueiredo


  • M Battel

    M Battel


  • Alvin Otero

    Alvin Otero


    This bank is BY FAR the worst experience I've had with a banking institution in Puerto Rico PERIOD (and I've had a few but this one wins them all). Branch is clueless about Auto loans processes to the point of giving out outdated forms where fees dont match and ,since Firstbank dont accept cash, ATM, personal checks, or anything that might actually help while you are there) in their Auto branch, you have to go and pick a new one losing more time. Then they'll give you about 4-5 different extensions where no one picks up the phone and will give you contradictory information. When you get someone to pick up the phone, prepare to get totally confused since everyone will be giving you contradictory information (call with your favorite antiacid on hand). They managed to somehow lose personal documents sent to email (yeah they lose emails too) then ask for them again even after you sent them the day before AND were accepted by a different officer in Auto. Then if you manage to get someone thats willing to help (good luck on that!) its going to be a super rude person like VT from Auto operations who will besides never pick up the phone, be super rude, sarcastic, will get to explain stuff she dont even understand (more confusion!) with zero concept about how is to treat an obviously frustrated customer and absolutely zero intentions to help other than leverage her position of dealing with an exhausted customer. *The main reason for me to actually take time and write a review? She told me to shut up and oh man, that was very very wrong* I've tried to deal with them for an entire week and my situation is still up in the air. Im not sure how Firstbank Auto is able to sweep under the rug such vile behavior from their employees because this is something that is surely costing them a TON of money. If I were a higher up manager I would go there make an investigation on how things are being run at the Auto branch (just bring tons of sticky notes for all the things that this will uncover). So there you go folks, just try another bank or financial institution and save time, money, frustration and trouble.

  • Luz Reyes

    Luz Reyes


  • Eusebio Ramos Aviles

    Eusebio Ramos Aviles


    Well organized plenty of Representatives and ample parking.

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