FirstBank i Canóvanas

Puerto RicoFirstBank



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Belz Factory Outlet World 18400 SR #3 Outparcel "E Carr. Estatal #3 Km. 18.8, Canóvanas, 00729, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-256-0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.376886, Longitude: -65.8838779

kommentar 5

  • Nohely Reyes

    Nohely Reyes


    Terrible service. I arrived with the intention of opening an account. They didn't give me a brochure or anything I was waiting for to get my bearings. After waiting an hour, I approached them to give me some information and they did not apologize for the delay. Total employees were on break for more than an hour (because I left and they hadn't even returned) they went through the main room with a cake and everything. Find another alternative if you want to open an account

  • Janelys Torres Pérez

    Janelys Torres Pérez


    The treatment of the staff towards the clients is lousy. I was waiting an hour and they did not attend me at any time.




    The service is appalling at the branch. We have been clients for many years and this is the first time we have had this bad experience. Your floor supervisor does not solve anything to provide excellent customer service. We were 3 hours at the branch and they never resolved. There is no staff and the little there is is not efficient. First bank definitive does not work.

  • Jennifer Ramirez

    Jennifer Ramirez


    The worst service I've experienced in a bank. Tellers upset to change checks everytime I go. Last month they told me they ran of money, A Bank ran out of money. Yesterday I noticed they didn't give me the change on my check after I left. Terrible service F-

  • George Ortiz

    George Ortiz


    Worst banking experience I've had. They canceled my card for a fraud they had and they couldn't give me another card because they had already sent me another one by mail. That other card came to me 2 months later and I had already closed the account. Another time, my wife asked for another card to be sent since the last name was changed. They canceled the one he had and not yet received the one sent to him more than 1 week ago. I have another account with an internet bank, Capital One, I had to ask for another card because the one I had was bad. That bank sent another one and they left me the one I had, ACTIVA until the new one will arrive. And it arrived in 3 days.

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