FirstBank i Ciales

Puerto RicoFirstBank



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El Trigal Plaza Carr. #2 Esq. Expreso a, Ciales, Manatí 00674, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-884-3900
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.43196, Longitude: -66.4758514

kommentar 5

  • Pame Fitness

    Pame Fitness


    First of all, good afternoon to the public For the people who are going to present themselves to this bank, be aware that the Security Guard notifies that they only have one representative attending at this time, now the real complaint is that having people of legal age lined up outside in the pure sun waiting to be attended The Security Guard is letting trustworthy people pass in other words TO THEIR PANAS, FRIENDS ETC ... if that is the type of service they provide, I think they are being very unfair. Work is work, it is not to give comfort to your Panas. change of other people.

  • Dirma Nun

    Dirma Nun


    At the time we are living they should be more aware of having flexible hours of service than the nature of their business. Maintaining a 9:00 am schedule when the only alternative is servicarro is truly implausible and aberrated. But when we have people that we have to comply with working and trying to maintain a balance between work, credit responsibility and responsibilities at home ..... they do poorly.

  • Nemesis Irizarry

    Nemesis Irizarry


    Service too slow and self-bank worse. It says hours until 4:30 pm and already at 3pm they are closed.

  • Luis Aviles

    Luis Aviles


    It is a good bank with fast transactions, easy access

  • Steve Soto

    Steve Soto


    Customer Bank for some years. Good service and availability of staff to answer questions.

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