FirstBank i Fajardo

Puerto RicoFirstBank



🕗 åbningstider

Fajardo Shopping Center Carr. #3, Km. 44.7 Bo. Quebrada, Fajardo, 00738, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-860-0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3317281, Longitude: -65.6622876

kommentar 5

  • Luz M. Castro

    Luz M. Castro


    Good morning, I would like to know if you are going to continue to charge clients for not having enough money in their accounts, they are not going to pay me at work, and I do not have the money for you to continue collecting money that I do not have and I am accumulated by this virus situation, I think that this position should be suspended, because it is unfair, since many will not receive their salary, I hope they can help with this emergency, not collecting those interests because they do not have money in the accounts, thank you .

  • Alejandra Grana Vargas

    Alejandra Grana Vargas


    They always serve me well and very friendly!

  • Clariliz Cruz

    Clariliz Cruz


    Here is not the bank. Fajardo Shopping Court is later PR-3 at the intersection with Conquistador Avenue. Google Maps is wrong.

  • Chimmon Chang

    Chimmon Chang


    Definitely not a bank

  • Louder KiCkerBass

    Louder KiCkerBass


    Maybe I'm go the ATM not function laterthat atm not function maybe the tah FYI. Another bank and not function

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