FloorCON | The Right Floor. The Right Way. i San Juan

Puerto RicoFloorCON | The Right Floor. The Right Way.



🕗 åbningstider

422, Calle A, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-942-8300
internet side: www.floorcon.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4154072, Longitude: -66.1006332

kommentar 5

  • Yancy Wright

    Yancy Wright


    It’s nice to experience total professionalism and excellent customer service at all levels. They have a wide range of high end commercial flooring products, things I haven’t been able to find elsewhere. Their showroom is really well done and they have an immaculate warehouse. This business is also open and totally prepared with an entrance check (temp. hand sanitizer, and shoe spray) to keep you and their employees safe during the Covid19 outbreak. I highly recommend this place if you have floor covering needs.

  • Leslie Y. Ortiz

    Leslie Y. Ortiz


    Excellent Product, Excellent SERVICE!!

  • Elisa Henry

    Elisa Henry


    Great selection! Thank you for adding a super cool touch to our new offices.

  • Francisco Oliveras

    Francisco Oliveras


    The team was so profesional and attentive to details. Couldn't be happier with how the whole project came together. 100% recommended!!!!

  • Hector Marrero

    Hector Marrero


    Nice place and beautiful floor solutions

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