Flying Coconut i Ciales

Puerto RicoFlying Coconut



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Puerto Rico 146, 00638, Ciales, Cordillera, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 970-586-4077
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Latitude: 18.3322729, Longitude: -66.4824058

kommentar 5

  • Mike d

    Mike d


    This crag is amazing. Eli has done a phenomenal job creating a climbing area for any level of climber. The routes are well thought out, well bolted, and are on high quality rock. If you climb and are in Puerto Rico you have to visit this place.

  • Dakota Townsend

    Dakota Townsend


    This was my first time climbing outdoors and I don’t think many places will top it! It has a TON of routes with a variety in ratings. Eli, Joanne, and their family have really outdone themselves. They have put in loads of work to produce this haven for climbers. There is a route here for every level of climber and we will definitely be returning.

  • Kugo Laser

    Kugo Laser


    Went here on a much needed vacation. Eli’s Airbnb is awesome and on top of it they are really friendly and welcoming. Flying Coconut has routes for beginner sport climbers up to advanced climbers. Highly recommended, also Eli was super helpful in recommending other routes around the island. If you stay at his Airbnb you really don’t need to venture out for more climbing, flying coconut is a 1 minute drive from the house and if you drive a little further you’re at Caliche which also has a lot of routes.

  • Tom Ripard

    Tom Ripard


    One of the best crags in the town of Ciales and still lots more potential. Eli and his family are the best hosts and more than happy to greet you on this excellent quality limestone rock :) highly recommended!

  • Eli Helmuth

    Eli Helmuth


    This organic farm and rock climbing destination is close to Ciales, home of many great restaurants and the Puerto Rican coffee museum. Less than an hour from the San Juan airport, a 10 minute walk through the rainforest takes you to a cirque of more than forty limestone climbs from 5.7 to 5.12 in difficulty. Most routes are 30m high and there is shade available all day, along with cool mountain breezes.

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