Frankie Vintage Downtown i San Juan

Puerto RicoFrankie Vintage Downtown



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363, Calle de San Francisco, 00646, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-6691
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Latitude: 18.4665439, Longitude: -66.1126426

kommentar 5

  • Lindy Dietrich

    Lindy Dietrich


    Sadly the owner died and the shop isn't there anymore. When it existed it was a treasure box.

  • Agent Ben Dover

    Agent Ben Dover


    It was pretty good. Cheap prices for their items. I got multiple toys for a cheap price(A Starscream from 2009, which costs 30 dollars) I got it for 5 dollars. It has a wide variety of items, and miscellaneous. My only issue is organization. The place fills very crowded, and the firat time I went I had a knee injury, so I couldn't move well throughout There was a lot of dust etc. Biggest issue is the place is quite messy. But besides that, its dirt cheap, and many items are in good condition(I even found a cobra pilot from G.I JOE, that was from the early 2000's or so). Overall, check it out. Its good.

  • Maria



    We were in Puerto Rico back in April for a cruise. We were walking along Old San Juan and my son fell in love with a guitar he saw outside Franky's. We didn't want to take the guitar with us on the ship so we asked Franky if he could keep it for us until we got back from the trip the following week. He said absolutely. We went back the following Saturday and he had it safely tucked in the back for us. My son was ecstatic to get it and continues to play it daily. Franky was very friendly and his shop has some great findings. Until we see you again!

  • Jennifer Lynch

    Jennifer Lynch


    A great and fascinating selection of all sorts of uncommon items. Also, Frankie, the owner is a blast. One of the best vintage shops I've ever visited.

  • Lauren Berns

    Lauren Berns


    A great, classic style, vintage store in the heart of the old city. You could spend half an hour looking at interesting item after interesting item without moving your feet. But that doesn't mean the place is small, just that it's that jam packed. If you get a chance to chat with Frankie, do so: he's a character (raised in Brooklyn and relocated here on retirement).

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