FRUiT Delicious i Vega Baja

Puerto RicoFRUiT Delicious



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00693, Vega Baja 00693, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-855-8811
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Latitude: 18.4415388, Longitude: -66.4262199

kommentar 2

  • en

    Pino Agusto


  • Manuel Torres

    Manuel Torres


    This place is awesome. The people serving are pretty gentle and the atmosphere is really relaxing. The food is excellent and they have great options for the healthy oriented. The Spicy Beans Wrap tastes delicious, with the beans salad being so tender and the greens so fresh, the wrap is complemented with a spicy mango sauce made in-house. It's great to see the different juice options they have like lemon-ginger and passion fruit-basil, you can think it is weird but they do taste awesome. They have different options like multi grain sandwiches, healthy wraps, salty and sweet crepes, acai, and more. They also have some indulgent sinful objects like chocolate covered apples, truffles, cookies and a lot more stuff I don't remember because it was a lot. I strongly recommend it.

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