Funeraria Estancia Celestial i Caguas

Puerto RicoFuneraria Estancia Celestial



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Avenida Sakura, 00725, Caguas, Bairoa, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-961-3333
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2465846, Longitude: -66.0402753

kommentar 5

  • Luisa Morales

    Luisa Morales


    Today, a month after my mother's departure, I want to let you know how grateful I am for the service you gave me. From the first moment it was a respectful and understanding treatment, Raphael and Ivelisse took me step by step to the end and that was not We will never forget, Thank you, Thank you so much, on behalf of all my family, friends and mine, may God bless you always. Fam. Robles Morales.

  • Chelo Menendez

    Chelo Menendez


    Wow ..! A funeral home to another level ..! Likewise, my brother's wake was on October 1, 2020, to another level ..! Excellent service, professionals, modern, very friendly and very empathetic to family members. Definitely the best .. !! Thank you for your services..!

  • Joan Alicea

    Joan Alicea


    They inaugurated the funeral home with the service of my grandmother may she rest in peace. From the moment he passed away in his bed, Estancia Celestial supported us and guided us throughout the process. He took the body and accompanied us in the preparations. Thank God my mom and aunts set aside a bank account for this moment. My aunt and my cousin were in charge of choosing the coffin and flowers ... my grandmother loved lilies and we were looking and looking for lilies. The truth is, the experience was difficult but the atmosphere of Estancia Celestial helped to pass the pain. The dim lights, the smell, the spaces and especially the cafe and the terrace ... It didn't look like a funeral home, it looked like a Celebration. It is definitely a unique and different space.

  • Robert Vigo

    Robert Vigo


    WoW! Yes this wonderful and magnificent decor is certain to wow anyone looking for the right place for a everlasting experience. The funeral’s attitude and welcoming vibes is a place you’ll never forget. From it’s owner down towards the service of her assistants comes a rewarding approach with a touch of goodness from the heavens. This place is amazing, God Bless them all and kudos for the an awesome experience.

  • Aidee Vigo

    Aidee Vigo


    Had the opportunity to attend this wonderful place in lieu of my cousin’s husband’s passing. From the moment we entered the day before we were overwhelmed with unexpected greetings and its ambiance of this beautiful place. The next day’s presentations and service was a blessing in itself where family and friends were treated as one. I’m elated to say this place is amazingly exceeded my expectations. Please take a moment to see it for yourself, you will be at amazed with what you will see.

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