Giuseppe Arte y Enmarcados i San Juan

Puerto RicoGiuseppe Arte y Enmarcados



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562-570, Avenida Teniente César Luis González, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-756-5745
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4122798, Longitude: -66.0653968

kommentar 5

  • Sean Bandas

    Sean Bandas


    Save your money and time and go someplace else. I have never witnessed more reprehensible behavior from a business owner. He is hostile, aggressive, and irresponsible. In short, a sad excuse for a businessman. In my case, he agreed to have two frames made in two weeks time. Without going into all the details, he made assurances that he would have it done by another deadline... He also failed to deliver. This brief summary doesn't fully convey the level of hostility I endured each time I called up to check up on my frames. If you value your hard earned money and time, go someplace else and deny this jerk any more business. Maybe then he will learn how real businessmen behave themselves.

  • Jorge Ortiz

    Jorge Ortiz


    Excellent service...

  • Anibal Lopez

    Anibal Lopez


    Giuseppe is the best. Very professional and neat product. Always give you good advise.

  • Daniel Peralta Rivera

    Daniel Peralta Rivera


    It is really always good to visit this business because it serves you very kindly. The service is very good. The works are of excellent quality and very punctual. In carrying out the work. The location is very good and they have free parking.

  • Raul Olmo / Boricuaturas

    Raul Olmo / Boricuaturas


    First Class Service! Outstanding quality! Astonishing art @ the gallery! ☆☆☆☆☆

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