Home Services at The Home Depot i Bayamón

Puerto RicoHome Services at The Home Depot



🕗 åbningstider

725, West Main Avenue, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 855-615-4490
internet side: www.homedepot.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.406133, Longitude: -66.1613253

kommentar 5

  • cristian maysonet

    cristian maysonet


    The service was great but the wait time for products it’s to much!!! Over one month to get them!

  • Antonio Morey Martin

    Antonio Morey Martin


    Did not answer the call

  • Jose Rodriguez

    Jose Rodriguez


    I'm not interested




    Buy a Solder Electric Gun, which came out Limon, to open credit with them Home Dipot. I paid it before 20 days, they did not register the payment and they continued to hump, sending me collection letters, and they signed for $ 142.00, I had to go personally to the store, When I went, they told me, you do not owe anything.

  • Leyza Avilés

    Leyza Avilés


    The delivery system is the worst. They have made me miss my job, twice, to receive the merchandise at my house and they have not arrived nor did they notify me that they were not coming. I have been waiting for more than a month to contact me to bring me a washing machine and a dryer to buy. I have tried to call, but the phone has never been answered. I regret having bought at Home Depot, Plaza del Sol, I do not recommend it.

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