Hospital de Animales Perla del Sur i Ponce

Puerto RicoHospital de Animales Perla del Sur



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Carlos Cartagena, 00717, Ponce, Canas Urbano, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-842-7974
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 17.9992723, Longitude: -66.6270151

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hermogenes Reyes


    Whom doesn't know to Mr. Doggy the best of the better Veterinary around Puerto Rico especially around Ponce City Don Victor Oppenheimer, l have a beautiful and gratitude experience with Mr. Doggy and his employeesmania, l have a great experience with Mr. Doggy fix it my cat vucal and teeths and tooth's that none veterinary didn't.l recommended to Mr. Doggy 100% Garantee labor.

  • en

    Alice Rivera


    Killer!! Killed my cats. Charge in advance 90% of the cost for hospitalization, they died the next day and did not return the money taking in advance (deposit). :( Evil👺💀😡

  • Alberto Vera

    Alberto Vera


    Where Pío had his vaccines this time. Behind Centro del Sur and PetCo @ Perla del Sur @ Ponce, Puerto Rico

  • Nemesis Maite

    Nemesis Maite


    I went to take my rabbit for his first check up, and he did absolutely NOTHING to him, no blood tests, no general check up, nothing. Apart from that, he charges ever for the damn air you breathe.

  • Lindsay Colon

    Lindsay Colon


    I agree he kept insisting my dog needed a laser treatment that was going to cost about 1000$. He charged us about 400$ to keep the dog for 3 days to "stabilize him" after he had a seizure. After the 3 days we picked him up in the same condition we dropped him off. Had not been fed, had tape on him. As soon as we took him out our dog ate and we immediately took him to another vet.

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