Hospital UPR - Dr. Federico Trilla i Carolina

Puerto RicoHospital UPR - Dr. Federico Trilla



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3, Calle 3, 00984, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-757-1800
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3885899, Longitude: -65.9718328

kommentar 5

  • en

    Joel Figueroa


    Don’t come to this hospital. You hit the call bell to call the nurse and the nurse never comes, she ignore the bell or hang up. Is worthless to have a call bell in the rooms when you have to get up and look for a nurse to get any help or medicine. When is time to get your medicine, the nurse is always late, i mean like an hour late. On top of the fact you have to pay for TV daily, they old too. This Hospital doesn’t have wifi or chairs for the visitors and the nurses don’t care about their patients and are rude af.

  • Eddie Serrano

    Eddie Serrano


    It's a nice hospital good atenthin

  • Manuel Sankitts

    Manuel Sankitts


    The workers there are great, the cafeteria food was nice. I give three stars because we spent almost the whole day waiting. Waiting is not a bad thing, but waiting standing up. Not cool. They were not enough chairs for everyone. They said they were receiving maintenance. Can you imagine waiting all day sitting on the floor or leaning against the wall? Brutal.

  • Jerry Muñoz

    Jerry Muñoz


    They don't answer The phone.

  • Rosalba Diaz Garcia

    Rosalba Diaz Garcia


    The Doctors are very courteous.

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