Hospital Veterinario 172 i Caguas

Puerto RicoHospital Veterinario 172



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Carretera 172, Km 20.4, Caguas, 00725, Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-653-6600
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.208522, Longitude: -66.105149

kommentar 5

  • es

    Maria Elena Class


    Súper bien que tratan a mi perrita

  • Alicia Estrada

    Alicia Estrada


    La atención buena el costo barato

  • Emilee Soto

    Emilee Soto


    Altamente recomendado!!! El mejor trato, muy atentos y diligentes.

  • M B

    M B


    16 de diciembre 2017 - Lamentablemente no tienen luz todavía ni están aceptando ath o tarjetas de crédito como método de pago. Estoy consciente de que la mayoría del país está así. Pero en los locales suelen poner un letrero advirtiendo el inconveniente de las tarjetas. De modo que si uno no tiene efectivo ni tiene que pasar por un período de espera y entonces enterarse. Fue mi primera vez. Cuando regrese y tengan los servicios restablecidos, editaré mi opinión.

  • en

    Jenny M


    PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU TAKE YOUR PET HERE. I had awful experience and received deceiving information that eventually cost my puppy his life. They use anesthesia to groom the dogs but the veterinary service was a horrible experience. I took a puppy I had to get his first shots. I never saw the veterinarian, the assistant was the one to take and evaluate the dog and give him his shots. We NEVER met the veterinarian, nor did the man identify himself as the assistant. We just assumed he was the veterinarian. They gave my puppy medicines for parasites, which is normal. After a week, my puppy got very sick. We take him back to be seen by the assistant once more, to find that the puppy had parvovirus and then be told that because our husky was white, he would have problems with his kidneys (False information with no sources) and that because he was sick we had to leave him. We did, and the price for everything was around $317. They made us think it was the only way and that they would help him. Because I couldn't pay then ,I begged them to give me a payment plan and they did. I paid $100 so I owed $217 (Take note of this). My puppy would stay for three days under treatment for parvo and a supposed "diet" for his kidneys. During this, I was crying and I was told by the vet he would absorb half of the payment for me, because I couldn't pay. So we agree, and I leave the puppy under their care. They never gave us updates regarding the puppy nor did they let us see him, so on the third day (In the morning) we go get him where the veterinarian threatened about the puppy's care and how it would be harmful (This while still refusing to let us see him). We say we just want to take him, so they make us pay for the rest for a total of $417 for the puppy's stay. (In total we paid them $517!!!!) The veterinarian left saying he would get the dog, but never came back to the front desk so the SECRETARY had to go get him and we received our puppy dehydrated, way underweight. He was under their care for 2 days, and we got him on the 3rd day and he was like this. The next day we took him to a veterinarian in Cayey, who finally told us our puppy would not make it because he was VERY sick and weak by then so we had to put him to sleep.Please PLEASE do not take your pets here. A woman that was talking to me got told her dog had a parasite in its heart without any tests or anything and that the dog would die if she did not leave it with her. I'm including two picture of the puppy BEFORE and AFTER his stay. This was negligence and an awful practice by this veterinarian followed by false information with zero sources in order to get more money from us because we wanted our puppy to make it.

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