Hotel Villa Del Sol i Carolina

Puerto RicoHotel Villa Del Sol


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4, Calle Rosa, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-2600
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4428457, Longitude: -66.015696

kommentar 5

  • Rosa GR

    Rosa GR


    Nice place and very friendly service. Everything was clean, the beds were super comfortable, specious room and very airy and beautiful terrace. One can also rent a car from them at a 15% discount which I also did. It's close to the airport, walking distance to the beach and many restaurants, even a karaoke bar 👩‍🎤

  • Gretchen Gibbs

    Gretchen Gibbs


    Staff very friendly and helpful. Hotel is literally is a block from the beach. On a main street with the bus line. Hotel is open and airy. A very good buy for those that don't want or need all the bells and whistles. It even has a nice pool.

  • Mike Manager

    Mike Manager


    I was impressed with the cleanliness room size and service received over here cheaper than some of the bigger places around and much better service free parking free coffee they give you beach towels and really take care of you. thank you so much you guys

  • Marivett Ramos

    Marivett Ramos


    The staff was very friendly and the hotel was super clean... The beds were super comfortable. walking distance to beach and restaurants. Pool was perfect..

  • nellie laboy de mijares

    nellie laboy de mijares


    I love this place. Good price, very clean, excellent location. Close to the beach, restaurants, and more. Very nice staff!!! They do have parking, swimming pool.

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