HRPLabs / Hato Rey Pathology i San Juan

Puerto RicoHRPLabs / Hato Rey Pathology



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Avenida Ingeniero Manuel Domenech, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-7320
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4136594, Longitude: -66.0643626

kommentar 5

  • sgtsolis2007



    Complete and utter disrespect to patients coming in at the parking offering no instructions of what to do and with hostile attitudes.. To be fair, at least there was one of the private guards, behaving too ballistic not instructing patients what to do one time, instead he would make you do things on the go, will not recommend to anyone

  • Sandy



    They said you have to be at 10:00 am, then if someone left you in the lab, they do not want to add you in the list, because you have to wait in the car. If you don't have a car, you can’t received services in this place. They make you wait and do not give you the paper work to complete before hand

  • laury d

    laury d


    I had to take a coronavirus test 72hours before my flight and couldn’t find a lab that would deliver the result that fast. HRPlabs had an appointment on the same afternoon and they delivered my result the next morning! They were extremely fast, also the lab was super clean and the staff very nice. I strongly recommend this lab!

  • Sheldon Zhai

    Sheldon Zhai


    The best. Same day, 15 min, in and out. Super fast turnaround super professional. Go here.

  • Madelyn Sanchez

    Madelyn Sanchez


    I highly recommend this lab. They are professionals & competent. The best part is that lab has a guard that assists with assigning parking when it’s crowded as well as limiting the amount of ppl into the lab.

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