Hyatt Residence Club Dorado, Hacienda Del Mar i Dorado

Puerto RicoHyatt Residence Club Dorado, Hacienda Del Mar



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301, Calle Méndez Vigo, 00646, Dorado, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-796-3000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.474723, Longitude: -66.318685

kommentar 5

  • es

    Jenny Serrano


    Excelenteeeeee! El servicio inigualable, los empleados son de otro planeta, el trato es a otro nivel. La primera vez que fuimos y sin duda queremos volver siempre. Un lugar completamente familiar, tranquilo, y con excelentes facilidades. Nos encantó!!!

  • DemonicAngel 123

    DemonicAngel 123


    Beautiful view of the beach from the 8th floor! Very well maintained and a lot of things to do. Plenty of activities during the day for kids. The rooms are very nice and cleaning ladies come everyday so everything is always clean.

  • Christian Kopecki

    Christian Kopecki


    Very nice resort overall. Our room was on the 6th floor, so we had an amazing view of the ocean. The room itself was great too, it had a lot of room in it for me to stretch out. The pool is huge, and it is right next to their beach bar. The beach is beautiful, and is never crowded (at least not while I was there). The only thing I would say negatively about this place is that there is another resort right next to it that is abandoned. It appears to be part of the same Hyatt, but is fenced off and overgrown. Other than that, this is a very good resort.

  • en



    I am a smoker and they said this is a non smoking location, but I saw pp smoking on balconies and walking around the grounds and pool smoking. The resort in itself was just ok. The gym was nice. The convenient store was absolutely a waste of space. As many convenient stores at least have enough available for those who do not drive. This store had nothing to compliment ones stay. They should at least provide a shuttle to the supermarket. Overall the workers are pleasant, but I would not stay here again.

  • Aurora Pagani

    Aurora Pagani


    Bel complesso in posizione tranquilla, ideale per rilassarsi. Le camere sono spaziose e confortevoli, ben attrezzato il cucinino, TV grande con buona scelta di canali, un bel balcone con tavolo e sedie, ogni due camere si trovano a disposizione lavatrice e asciugatrice. Nel periodo del nostro soggiorno c'erano pochi ospiti per cui la disponibilità delle sdraio sia in piscina che sulla spiaggia era ottima, la maggior parte era inutilizzata. Purtroppo c'è solo un bar/ristorante all'interno e per raggiungere qualunque posto (ristorante, shopping, supermarket, ecc) occorre l'auto. In hotel c'è il servizio taxi per poter andare al supermercato oppure il servizio di noleggio auto anche se ne hanno poche e a volte non sono sufficienti per soddisfare le richieste. Offrono anche alcuni tour. Peccato che passeggiando sulla spiaggia ci sia un grande hotel in totale stato di abbandono proprio a fianco all'Hyatt recintato con una rete verde, di sicuro non un bel vedere.

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