Iglesias de Dios Pentecostal i San Juan

Puerto RicoIglesias de Dios Pentecostal


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Avenida Universidad, 00928, San Juan, Hato Rey Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-239-8993
internet side: www.cristoenrio.com
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Latitude: 18.4026212, Longitude: -66.0553277

kommentar 3

  • Nancy Robles

    Nancy Robles


  • Naomi Rodriguez

    Naomi Rodriguez


    The best place to worship !!!

  • liz Martinez

    liz Martinez


    Although This church may seem small they treat you like family. They are filled with Love, a hunger for Christ, and are very welcoming ... They are so happy and they make you feel like a your at home. If you are just around the corner or looking for some spiritual Growth try this church ... I was there for my Vacation Sunday they truly did welcome you. Although this church may seem small they treat you like family. They are full of love, hunger for Christ ... They are so happy and make you feel like you are at home. If you are just around the corner or looking for some spiritual growth try this church ... I was there for my Sunday vacation that really welcomed.

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