ISLA Language i San Juan

Puerto RicoISLA Language



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#50 Quisqueya St., San Juan, 00917, Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-771-8888
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.427269, Longitude: -66.056655

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo J Ares Julia

    Ricardo J Ares Julia


    Great place for improving my english and gave me a lot of confidence. Great staff!!!! Thank you!!!

  • en

    Joel Holt


    The instructors at ISLA are very well prepared to answer questions about grammar and word use even from more advanced learners. The atmosphere is relaxed and inviting and all the staff is welcoming and willing to help even with things not directly pertaining to Spanish classes. We moved to PR for my job and my wife and I love to take classes at ISLA. Being able to study at this institution is a great way to learn Spanish. We highly recommend it!

  • en

    Ginny Rodriguez


    My experience with ISLA was outstanding they really helped me to develop in the new language. They also helped me to understand the cultural aspects of the language so that it was not just about speaking it but about understanding the nuances of the culture behind the language. The staff was always very helpful and consistently went above and beyond my needs. The director is a lovely person who really tries to make you feel comfortable in the immersion process. Of course the best part is the value for the money in comparison to other schools I received much more from my experience with ISLA at a very competitive price. I can't wait to have the chance to return for my advance courses.

  • Cecilamor Ares

    Cecilamor Ares


    Excellent place to learn and improve your seccond language. Amazing work staff. Great concierge services. Thank you for such a great and lovely time!!!! 200% satisfied with classes, services and all the staff!!!!

  • Jonathan Montalvo

    Jonathan Montalvo


    I.S.L.A is a great language institute. A group of students and I from Michigan State University went to Puerto Rico for our very first study away program in the island. The teachers and staff are very friendly and helpful. They are very knowledgable when it comes to language instruction and how to get around the city of San Juan. Our students left the institute feeling very happy and pleased. I would definitely recommend I.S.L.A to any university wanting to take students or individuals wanting to learn Spanish or learn about Puerto Rican culture.

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