José Aponte De La Torre Airport i Ceiba

Puerto RicoJosé Aponte De La Torre Airport


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Antigua Base Naval Roosevelt Route, Ceiba, 00735, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-729-8462
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Latitude: 18.25354, Longitude: -65.6441038

kommentar 5

  • Hector Gonzalez

    Hector Gonzalez


    Very nice place

  • Dustin Marx

    Dustin Marx


    This airport is tiny and uncrowded and that's what I love about it. Vieques Air Link (VAL) only required us to checkin 45 minutes before our flights to Culebra and Vieques and I now understand why they could require so little time! There is not really anything to see or do at this airport and the only food and drink are from vending machines. However, there is not a lot of need for things to see and do at an airport when you can get into and out of it so quickly. The airport is essentially one building with the parking lot immediately in front of that building. There is no need for shuttles or designated departure and arrival lanes.

  • Andres Jeffs

    Andres Jeffs


    Excellent service and organization.

  • Katie Martinez

    Katie Martinez


    Everyone was friendly and helpful. This was our first time and had no idea what to expect. We flew Vieques Airline. Super easy process and got us where we needed to be!

  • Betty De Lira-Alejos

    Betty De Lira-Alejos


    DONT PARK HERE UNLESS YOU PLAN ON STAYING IN VIEQUES, CULEBRA OR YOUR CAR!!! We left from the airport and we came back late on the ferry to find out we’re locked In and nobody could let us out. Luckily we had chips and juice and some travel pillows, just enough to survive the dark rainy night, in this god awful parking lot. finally when someone farrived the lady didn’t have the courtesy to said buenos días or even smile. I think she knows what she did. RUUUUUUDEEEEEE!!!.

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