Jose Enrique Puerto Rican Restaurant i San Juan

Puerto RicoJose Enrique Puerto Rican Restaurant



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1021, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-705-8130
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Latitude: 18.4600483, Longitude: -66.0787582

kommentar 5

  • Robert Hernandez

    Robert Hernandez


    Undoubtedly one of the top 5 restaurants Ive ever eaten in. I’m 60 years old and have traveled all throughout North and Central America and the Caribbean. I can’t think of a better experience in gastronomy than here at Jose Enrique. I had the great fortune to meet him. He is unbelievably modest and incredibly kind. I had the churrasco. Don’t muss this restaurant, you can thank me later!!

  • M Sunrise

    M Sunrise


    Great seating area, $4-8 cash parking. Great taste & presentation for a casual area. Very small portions.

  • Bita Kazemi

    Bita Kazemi


    No signs facing the street we wandered a lot to find them. Their sign is facing the ocean. If you have trouble locating them they are just before Havana. We didn't try the food, too expensive.

  • Olivier Gillier

    Olivier Gillier


    As always Jose Enrique delivers some of the best cuisine on the island. An institution in San Juan, it is a true must dining experience.

  • Joel Branson

    Joel Branson


    3.5. This used to be one of my favorite restaurants, however it wasn't as delightful as it was in its old location. Nothing had a major wow factor. Skip the swordfish schnitzel and chicken dish. Was served under ripe avocado as well. $60 in unremarkable food hard to overlook. Real estate change is likely are why prices jumped. New spot is very lovely and modern and the service was certainly wonderful. I'll be back as we're all working through this COVID situation and I have hope it will return as one of my favorite restaurants and hope it does.

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