Judicial Center of San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoJudicial Center of San Juan



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Avenida Luis Muñoz Rivera, 00918, San Juan, Hato Rey Sur, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-641-6363
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4117701, Longitude: -66.056242

kommentar 5

  • Emilio De Lemos

    Emilio De Lemos


    They have and execute high-profile security protocols for the covid, easy access to the different recurring procedures has been arranged, such as the delivery of the notarial reports immediately upon entry. The procedures to the secretary of the court are fast and well attended.

  • K P S

    K P S


    I work near here

  • Martha Mundo

    Martha Mundo


    There online website is horrible, to get a update of a case its a lost cause you might have to go personally to court just for that. We have million things to do and no time. They are not up to the times , they need an update of twenty years. When you enter the building don't be surprise if the escalator is not working. Surrounding the building there is a cyclone fence of thirty years or more, no cameras, you park your car across the building then you have to cross a four lane avenue with no stop light or pause light. Its something out of this world. And no cameras anywhere.

  • Splash Gurlz

    Splash Gurlz


    Kangaroo Court.

  • Jose Pantaleon

    Jose Pantaleon


    I go to work in there

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