KFC Lomas Verdes i Bayamón

Puerto RicoKFC Lomas Verdes



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Parcela 1-B, Urb. Ind, Bayamón, 00956, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-786-7535
internet side: www.kfcpuertorico.com
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Latitude: 18.3828771, Longitude: -66.1437383

kommentar 5

  • Rafael Ramos

    Rafael Ramos


    Great flavor and best chicken portion offers

  • luz de jesus

    luz de jesus


    Good service, kind people

  • Gisela Vazquez

    Gisela Vazquez


    Better now with distancing

  • Ulyses Santiago

    Ulyses Santiago


    Reasonable prices and nice service.

  • George Ortiz

    George Ortiz


    This is a fast food of my favorite. I can not give more stars because the service is sometimes a little slow (faster by car service), there are days when the chicken is cold and other days it is hot, if you ask to change it for hot chicken they get upset or you have to wait a lot. It is a good tasting recipe and they have to improve service and quality (temperature), including French fries. I love KFC but they have to improve in this restaurant. Very good employees, attentive and kind, when you can not change the chicken.

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