Kingdom Hall Rio Piedras i San Juan

Puerto RicoKingdom Hall Rio Piedras


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499, Avenida Luis Muñiz Souffront, 00923, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4046951, Longitude: -66.0317802

kommentar 5

  • JVM Vazquez

    JVM Vazquez


    Good place of worship for the entire will learn about the True God Jehovah and he's purpose and the hope for the future.

  • Carlos Rosado Valladares

    Carlos Rosado Valladares


    I've been there several times in the last ten years. Inside the building you'll find three auditoriums where various congregations held there weekly meetings, even for Arabic and English speaking people. The lobby preceeding the auditoriums is a nice area to see friends and others going to to the meetings.

  • Inez Reyes Vargas

    Inez Reyes Vargas


    Great place to Worship Jehova

  • Daniel Stolfi

    Daniel Stolfi


    Great place to learn about the bible, from friendly people.

  • Derek Moessinger

    Derek Moessinger


    This KH has a double auditorium. As all other KH's I have attended, it is very clean and the welcome I received was loving with many smiling faces.

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