Kmart i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoKmart



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Puerto Rico 20, 00970, Guaynabo, Esmerelda, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-287-9797
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3677432, Longitude: -66.1107327

kommentar 5

  • John A lopez

    John A lopez


    Store closing, all must go. 20% - 70% discount

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    A big large Kmart that I hope survives the latest cull of stores in Puerto Rico. Clean, stuffed full of specials and a tremendous variety of items. It is difficult to leave without finding something well worth buying. Never very full, but more importantly, where this store is located is also usually fairly empty which means thare is always planty of parking spaces.

  • Joanne Roman

    Joanne Roman


    Today was an excellent visit! Got a call yesterday inviting me to use the pharmacy (it's been awhile) and the service was great Bathrooms clean, not smelly and thre was handsoap ( nothing to dry my hands with though) I'm at the jewelry counter, waiting. No one here and they were paged. Been here 5 minutes, will wait afew, and leave. It's actually an impulse buy. Oh well

  • Jose Linares

    Jose Linares


    I've given them five stars even though they are on a middle of a renovation because they've set up an area for the hurricane victims to sit down watch TV and recharge their electronics

  • Carmen Martinez

    Carmen Martinez


    Was good. I always find what I usually looking for. Their personal is always accessible and very professional and courteous in every way.

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