La 8 Surf Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa 8 Surf Shop



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450 Ave Juan Ponce De León, San Juan PR 00901, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-9808
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4640759, Longitude: -66.093287

kommentar 5

  • Lawrence Kagawa

    Lawrence Kagawa


    great place to shop and get advice.

  • Richard Henderson

    Richard Henderson


    Great place to rent a board! A one mile walk from the cruise ship. $27 to rent any size board and the ocean was just one block away. The surf was decent 3 to 4 feet but good riding waves. The owner couldn't have been nicer. Awesome place.

  • Jean-Bernard Hebert

    Jean-Bernard Hebert


    Owner Peter is super helpful, makes you feel welcome.

  • Paul Kizilos

    Paul Kizilos


    I talked a bit to the owner. Very helpful guy who knows his stuff. You can tell he is passionate about his work. He also has a lot of local knowledge about beaches and surf conditions. It was also easy to pop in quickly. There's some parking in front, and was convenient for us on a busy Friday afternoon. I recommend this place.

  • Monica Bates

    Monica Bates


    im a pleasantly plump girl so it was hard to find a suite that fits just right but they helped me with boi shorts and a top.very nice ppl

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