La Estación i Fajardo

Puerto RicoLa Estación



🕗 åbningstider

Fajardo, 00738, Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-863-4481
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3600342, Longitude: -65.638036

kommentar 5

  • Eduard Pericas

    Eduard Pericas


    Este Restaurante nos gustó mucho. Provamos el Pescado, los Ribs, Ceviche, Arepas... Muy bueno; a la parrilla y bien hecho. Nos trataron bien y nos fuimos contentos con el servicio

  • Eric Holbrook

    Eric Holbrook


    This place is amazing! The have freshly smoked meats and vegetables. I highly recommend this place to anyone! The employees are fantastic!

  • en

    Riva Tourani


    Delicious food and cocktails, good value for money. We dined here the day it reopened after hurricane Maria. Staff was very helpful and nice. Beautiful atmosphere and decor. Was only disappointed that I told them it was my birthday and they didn't offer anything.

  • Black Macgyver

    Black Macgyver


    Wow we had a wonderful experience , the food was great and staff very attentive and welcoming . We had a large party of 10 and we had great service

  • Roseanne Buckley

    Roseanne Buckley


    I have had great food and great service every time I have eaten there. One of my favorite restaurants in Puerto Rico.

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