Le Ciel Spa i San Juan

Puerto RicoLe Ciel Spa



🕗 åbningstider

#1127, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-783-0802
internet side: www.lecielspa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.414518, Longitude: -66.083094

kommentar 5

  • Cath T

    Cath T


    Massage way overpriced. I suggest that if you're considering getting a massage here, you request to see proof that the massage therapist has a degree from a massage school and is licensed by the government to do massage. Don't pay the price of a professional if you are getting an amateur.

  • vlo



    One of the gems of PR! Amazing service and extremely friendly staff. My boyfriend and I got the couple's massage and manicure. VERY relaxing and was one of the best spa experiences I've ever had. I highly recommend Kathy and Barbara who took care of us the whole way. Best birthday thus far. We will definitely come back when we visit PR in the future. Thanks!

  • Elena Rodriguez

    Elena Rodriguez


    This was the best spa I have ever been to. The spa itself is darling and staff treats their customers like royalty. Pricing is also amazing, and very well worth every penny!

  • carloslaplant95



    The place is good but you need to specify in detail what you want and ask for all services

  • Allison Freeman

    Allison Freeman


    Wonderful experience. My wife and I did a spa package and left there feeling beyond great. Staff was wonderful as well, very friendly. Their prices aren't easy to beat either.

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