Leo Leo Libros i San Juan

Puerto RicoLeo Leo Libros



🕗 åbningstider

263, Avenue Emiliano Pol, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-497-1111
internet side: www.leoleolibros.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.361524, Longitude: -66.0746347

kommentar 4

  • Eilleen Carrion

    Eilleen Carrion


    It is difficult to find quality books for children and people that have good recommendations for this genre. This bookstore specializes in that! And above all, they always put the children's experience forward. If your boy or girl goes there and talks to Mel, he will leave there with several books for a lifetime 💖. The place has good parking and is very cozy. Whenever I go there is something new to see and I stay a little longer than I expected 😅. I recommend him as a teacher and as a marmoset ✨.

  • Katiely Ramos

    Katiely Ramos


    This place is special, it has opened my gaze to the limitless possibilities that books have in our childhood. Mel and the books he brings to Leo Leo are transformative. They are spaces like this that make you believe in magic again.

  • Raquel Ramirez

    Raquel Ramirez


  • Leamos Más PR

    Leamos Más PR


    Children's and youth bookstore with Spanish books.

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