Lilly Of The Valley Puerto Rico i San Lorenzo

Puerto RicoLilly Of The Valley Puerto Rico



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00754, San Lorenzo 00754, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.1683219, Longitude: -65.9597985

kommentar 5

  • Jinja Sheard

    Jinja Sheard


    Lovely place to rest

  • abner rodriguez

    abner rodriguez


  • John Narvaez

    John Narvaez


    Sweet Elder Couple That Live Next Door Always Have Stories Of The Area Where You Stay!!! Cozy And Relaxing And Great Host!!!

  • Marlon Marrero

    Marlon Marrero


    A great place to rest and relax!!!

  • Izzie Dee

    Izzie Dee


    Lilly of the Valley is one of my FAVORITE spots in Puerto Rico! It captures the beauty of the mountains of San Lorenzo in a "Campo Life" setting. I came to visit Puerto Rico, for the first time, in April 2015, with my family for a cruise, which was also my first time on the mountain, and I instantly fell in love with it! The home is located in the quaint little town of San Lorenzo, less than an hour away from San Juan and Aeropuerto Internacional Luis Muñoz Marín. It's a little secluded but just enough so you are away from the hustle and bustle of tourists, but not too far to visit all the great tourist attractions if you wanted to go. The owners are the nicest people you could ever meet and they are absolutely inviting! The home itself is beautiful. There is a large patio, called a marquesina, that welcomes you when you first pull up to the home. Patio furniture decorates the marquesina and sometimes they have a hammock hanging which is perfect for lounging or drinking coffee in the morning. There are 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Large, comfortable couches fill the living room along with a small dinner table that seats 4. The kitchen is fully equipped and I enjoyed many days and nights making meals as it literally has EVERYTHING you can possibly need, from a pots and pans to a Kitchen-aide mixer! They even have a barbecue grill perfect for grilling up some fresh caught lobster from the ocean or masitas/pork dish. I was also able to visit some of the local spots as well; drank rum at the Bacardi Rum Distillery; hiked the El Yunque Rainforest; shopped and dined in Old San Juan; kayaked in Vieques for the bio-luminescent bay; had mofongo on the hillside of (I can't remember the name); visited a private island in Fajardo and had alcapurrias in Luisa. There's actually way too many things I've done to list. I love Lilly of the Valley, not only for the home and its surroundings, but the people who live in the neighborhood are so friendly too!

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