Lindsay Cleaners i San Juan

Puerto RicoLindsay Cleaners



🕗 åbningstider

1462-1464, Avenida Wilson, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-7220
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.45227, Longitude: -66.065544

kommentar 5

  • Alan Bernstein

    Alan Bernstein


    I have very a small bag of laundry that I’m traveling with;It cost $10 to wash it. I’ve washed my clothes there twice and it’s been 10 bucks each time but I washed my clothes for a third time it was $16 although the contents of the laundry had not changed at all. I think that’s kind of a rip off

  • Ines Ifarraguerri

    Ines Ifarraguerri


    Great service, high quality cleaners

  • Iris Geller

    Iris Geller


    Consistently great service.

  • Zoe Lewinsky

    Zoe Lewinsky


    I dropped clothes off for wash and fold. Quick and same day pick up.

  • Vicente Rojas III

    Vicente Rojas III


    Great people. Attentive. My sons school uniform was nice and pressed. Sharp edge. (Ruedo bien filoso) At least two or three times to make edge permanent. Awesome. Thank you.

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