Manzana Studio Condado i San Juan

Puerto RicoManzana Studio Condado



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1452, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-200-0046
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4545425, Longitude: -66.0655092

kommentar 5

  • Gladymar Rivera

    Gladymar Rivera


    A true pampering experience. I went for a Deep Pore Cleansing Facial and Shari (hope I wrote it right) and it was, to say the least, amazing. I can say I transcended when it was all done lol but truly, I will definitely go back to check out the rest of the services.

  • Lau Beltrán

    Lau Beltrán


    Loved that they gave me my nail kit to bring back for future occasions. The staff was really nice and they just did a wonderful job! 💅🏼

  • Laura Sikora

    Laura Sikora


    Had a gel mani and regular pedi. Gel mani came out okay, pedi was done horribly. Not only did the pinky toe get messed up almost immediately after but also she painted on my skin! Not to mention the bubbles that are on my big toe as well.... would not recommend or go back. EDIT- Instagram DM’ed them and they got me in next day to fix it. They got the color wrong and didn’t change my big toe which after a few days you can see how the pedi is wearing off in the places they didn’t put the top coat on.. Update - 9 days later... they did a pretty bad job on my toes.. wouldn’t recommend.

  • trix yuan

    trix yuan


    Very chic and professional! Had my haircut here last week. Hand washing when entering, everyone's mask on all the time. My hairdresser had necessary communication with me and did the style i want. Will always visit por supuesto

  • Josiemar Ruiz

    Josiemar Ruiz


    Professional, fun, laid back but classy. Nails turned out great (mine and my very young daughter). Can't wait to get my hair done tomorrow!

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