Mayagüez Resort and Casino i Mayagüez

Puerto RicoMayagüez Resort and Casino


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681, Ruta Panorámica, 00681, Mayagüez, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-832-3030
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Latitude: 18.2197674, Longitude: -67.1533269

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Durand


    I had such an unpleasant experience. I came here to have a nice time with my friends and family. First of all I tried buying a pizza and I couldn’t cause the while team was going on a break. So we had to wait a whole hour to be able to eat something. Afterwards I tried telling the staff that the jacuzzi wasn’t working and they told me that they where going to check what they could do about it.(not solving my issue) I tried telling another staff about it and he told me that the sun could take care of the problem of heating the jacuzzi. I tried going to the manager of the hotel,and he didn’t want to take care of the problem. So unfortunately I didn’t have a good time.

  • en

    Magaly Soto


    Don't stay in the Main Tower. Rooms are very old and haven't been updated. My sink was leaking and the shower didn't maintain the hot water running. The tub floor also had a corrosion stain from the water. There was hair everywhere in the room. We tried to book the Sky tower but there weren't rooms available. The service at the restaurant was extremely slow, even when the hotel was hosting a big event. Won't be staying in this property in the future.

  • Rosalba Lopez

    Rosalba Lopez


    Every time I visit my parents in Puerto Rico I always make it a point to visit Mayagüez Resort and Casino. Mostly just to play at the casino. Sometimes I win big and sometimes I win just enough to keep playing the slots. The staff is awesome and very attentive. Some nights they have live music and crazy giveaways. I absolutely love it!

  • Joseph Stanford

    Joseph Stanford


    The food at the hotel is really expensive and the it's usually not very good. The Wi-Fi is patchy and unreliable. It smells a bit like a hospital. The only real upsides were the beds (they're very comfortable), and the staff. Almost all of the staff were very friendly and helpful. The bar tending staff was exceptionally nice, but drinks at the bar are way over priced outside of happy hour.

  • Sheila Fox

    Sheila Fox


    Some areas were affected by Hurricane Maria. They are working hard to get back up to speed. Friendly staff, helpful. Buffets were okay, but not great.

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