Miranda Beauty | Condado, PR i San Juan

Puerto RicoMiranda Beauty | Condado, PR


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559 Cll Hillside, Urb Summit Hills, San Juan, PR 00920
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-8625
internet side: facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.401243, Longitude: -66.105383

kommentar 5

  • Ekaterina Mozzhukhina

    Ekaterina Mozzhukhina


    Made appointment and after 20 minutes of looking for this place based on the address and directions provided on Google maps, we called n found out that they closed their spot in our area. Waste of time. Having your info updated is a must for a successful business that respects its customers.

  • Wallace Caban

    Wallace Caban


    Un lugar muy agradable.

  • Mariangeli Márquez

    Mariangeli Márquez


    Super good people and excelent quality of stylings hair and painting!

  • en

    maria del carmen del valle


    I Love it's Miranda they alway make me feel right at home. I change my hair color often, they always please me and the results are always better than expected. They have parking on site, and the location is peaceful and beautiful.

  • es

    Alejandro Perez


    Excelente servicio. Un ambiente súper agradable. 100% complacido.

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