Municipality of Carolina i Carolina

Puerto RicoMunicipality of Carolina



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Principal, 00985, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-757-2626
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.381412, Longitude: -65.9556776

kommentar 5

  • Ashlyn De Jesus

    Ashlyn De Jesus


    The guard at the entrance instructed me perfectly and kindly. I was able to go fast thanks to him.

  • Samuel González

    Samuel González


    The town is very well cared for but they have forgotten to clean the area adjacent to the canal (Calle Cosmos) in Urb Villas de la Marina, they no longer clean the grass, it is very overgrown and it is a focus of vermin that affect us and today it appeared a dead person in the area. Before they came frequently to clean and prune. We appreciate you take action on the matter. Thank you very much.

  • Janet Alicea

    Janet Alicea


    Excellent 👌

  • Madi McWilliams

    Madi McWilliams


    I booked my plane ticket to Carolina to visit my family and this is the first place I visited. First of all I can't find my mom. Second of all, where's the sweet tea?? I'm very lost and I think I'll just go back home. Also, no one speaks English here so it was a bit tricky to figure out why nothing made sense. But there was an attractive guy there so that's a plus.

  • edwin amill

    edwin amill



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