Municipio De San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoMunicipio De San Juan



🕗 åbningstider

161, Calle Chardon, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-480-4000
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.425144, Longitude: -66.0636868

kommentar 5

  • Ivan Roman

    Ivan Roman


    Good morning .. We have called the Municipality of San Juan on several occasions for pavement in the area of ​​Río Piedras, the service (Terrible). They don't answer the phone and when you get the call they leave you waiting. 2.Then several attempts answer the call and inform that the service will be sent to the Department of Public Works to register it. 3. We have been waiting for the paving service for several months, the streets destroyed. Thank you.

  • Miguel Guzman

    Miguel Guzman


  • Sol Pagan

    Sol Pagan


    Greetings. I'm upset trying to pick up debris in the Hato Rey area. And they have not helped me yet. Every time I make a complaint, they cancel it and they pass me from office to office. Supervisors do not return calls and seem to be hiding every time I try to talk to them despite calling their office hours. I heard somewhere that the order not to pick up in San Juan comes from the mayor. Reasons and facts that I do not know. Meanwhile we continue with the trash in a private place that touches the Municipality of San Juan. What a barbarity in this country. I feel outraged.

  • API Inmueble MB

    API Inmueble MB


  • Manuel Colon

    Manuel Colon


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