Muñoz Center Locks / Cerrajero Bayamón i Bayamón

Puerto RicoMuñoz Center Locks / Cerrajero Bayamón



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55, Avenida Main, 00959, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-798-3700
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3856754, Longitude: -66.1418859

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Rios

    Roberto Rios


    All kind locks and excellent services

  • Yansel Gonzalez

    Yansel Gonzalez


    Awesome service they made me an new car key after I lost mine in only about a half hour including programming the chip and new beeper to the car

  • Walter Quinones

    Walter Quinones


    Service great and prices excellent

  • Kenny Guzman

    Kenny Guzman


    Variety of products and services. Always professional and excellent customer service.

  • Lucky Wible

    Lucky Wible


    Wonderful service and exceedingly helpful and efficient too. Munoz Center Locks / Locksmith were dispatched to my house to complete a specific project, which they did, in a completely professional, rapid and informative manner. He explained everything that he did and the prices were absolutely reasonable too. I am most impressed with the security suggestions that he made. I appreciated the tips that he provided to me concerning these security features and most importantly it did not result in any current or future charges to implement any of the recommendations that were suggested.

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