Nouvelle D'Spa i Dorado

Puerto RicoNouvelle D'Spa



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Road 693, 00646, Dorado, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-796-6200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4646208, Longitude: -66.2822776

kommentar 5

  • Mary Evelyn

    Mary Evelyn


    A wonderful relaxing afternoon. Love the showers and adored the flowery salt scrub they gave to me to exfoliate. My skin was so soft. The staff is extremely kind and soothing from the moment you walk in. I had an excellent spray tan at a reasonable price. It smells amazing at Nouvelle D'Spa. I can still smell the calming fragrance. Massages, manis & pedis, couple massages, a large whirlpool sauna. Everything you'd expect from a spa. Great location! While you're waiting for your service, they place you in a divine area with hypnotic music, smells, and low lights. I could've napped on the soft divan filled with scrumptious cushions and pillows. Of course, they provide you with a locker to store your personal items. I hope to go back and convince my husband to enjoy these special treats with me. I felt great walking out. Lots of fantastic products to buy, too! Candles here are divine. Excellent.

  • Leticia Salgado

    Leticia Salgado


    Love it... best place to get relax!

  • Jana



    The spa itself looks and feels very nice. Unfortunately it's not kept very clean, and the massage I got was awful. Pricey but very awful. The therapist was very insecure, felt like it was the third or fourth massage she's ever given. She didn't hit a single pressure point, and it was more of a rub than a massage. Will never go back there!

  • Evelyn Albelo

    Evelyn Albelo


    Excelente atención y simpatía.

  • Maria Perez

    Maria Perez


    Salí nueva

nærmeste Spa

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