Office Max i San Juan

Puerto RicoOffice Max



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Hato Rey Nte., San Juan, 00920, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4259172, Longitude: -66.0769434

kommentar 5

  • Eva Tormos

    Eva Tormos


    This office depot location was shameful. Poor poor customer service with very few employees to help customers. 3 employees for 20 customers. Manager didn't respond to my request. I truly disappointed & angry. Wait a least 1.5 hours for little service

  • Yomayra De Jesús

    Yomayra De Jesús


    Very poor service. Employees are not friendly at all. They ignore you. There not available to answer questions.

  • Pedro H. Rodriguez

    Pedro H. Rodriguez


    Customer service attention is the worst experience. Associates behave like customers are GHOSTS, they don't see them. No variety of desk lamps...

  • Miguel Rosario

    Miguel Rosario


    I'd rather go to Office Depot

  • Jairo Muñoz

    Jairo Muñoz


    It's just amazing that you've got to wait 1:30 hours to make some copies there, they don't work slow, they work super slow, the prices are higher than in any other copy shop, the employees were kind and respectful but seems that they can't do nothing about the waiting time. I do not recommend this place, if you want to make some copies or any other print related job, go anywhere else. Office Max is not the place if you want to have a great service. The truth might be harsh but it's better than a sweet lie.

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