Ojo de Tigre PR i San Juan

Puerto RicoOjo de Tigre PR



🕗 åbningstider

606, Avenida Hipódromo, 00909, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-636-7539
internet side: www.ojodetigrepr.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4477793, Longitude: -66.0716131

kommentar 3

  • Sarah Urbain

    Sarah Urbain


  • Gabriel jimenez

    Gabriel jimenez


    Excellent creative space with a variety of records and local inventory. Super good service and the person in charge is very friendly and helps you with everything. If you are looking for vinyl this is your place. If they don't have it, they get it for you. They also have clothing, postcards, stickers, and a variety of items (mostly from local creators and entrepreneurs). Definitely excellent. I wish you every success.

  • Fernando Quintero El Hage

    Fernando Quintero El Hage


    From the best local boutiques and a solid record store with availability of new releases as well as classics. There are products of local artistes. A little bit of everything and the store is run by people and solidarity with vibrant halos. Praise him. Ojo de Tigre PR awaits you.

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