Olive Garden Bayamon i Bayamón

Puerto RicoOlive Garden Bayamon



🕗 åbningstider

West Main Avenue, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-395-7044
internet side: www.olivegarden.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4051403, Longitude: -66.1554199

kommentar 5

  • Antony Lopez

    Antony Lopez


    Great service and good fresh food. Had to wait outside in the car 1/2 hr to be seated.

  • elenia romero

    elenia romero


    Great service. Attentive waitress. Meal was supperb. Took home leftovers and ate following day. Thankyou.

  • Manuel Couverthie

    Manuel Couverthie


    Good COVID-19 protocolos

  • Stephanie Silvagnoli

    Stephanie Silvagnoli


    Excellent service and delicious meals. Plenty of parking and really accessible. Currently it requires you to make a reservation due to our pandemic status but even if you don't, they can make arrangements for you. It all depends of the current capacity.

  • Ricardo Miro Flecha

    Ricardo Miro Flecha


    .y mother love Olive Garden, either PR or Florida, Everytime we visit each other is a tradition of us to have diner. Now, this time, Bayamon, PR, this last Monday, June 22, 2020 we decided to stop by and lunch. We asked for shrimps plate. Everything went well after making the order. Unfortunately, 5 min later the waitress returned to inform us that there was no shrimps. You should see my mom's face. So, kindly, we choose chicken and lasagna...not dying for but. To our please, 5 min later the waitress returned to inform us that the manager just arrived with the shrimps...so everything went back to square one. My only positive criticisms to the manager is make sure the information. Make sure your staff is informed of what is available or not...keep up the great work, place was spotless, food taste 100%>

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