Olivia Boutique i San Juan

Puerto RicoOlivia Boutique



🕗 åbningstider

#1400, Avenida Magdalena, 00907- 2145, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-6317
internet side: shop-olivia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4542152, Longitude: -66.0671244

kommentar 5

  • Nora Kurban

    Nora Kurban


    The staff is rude and impolite. When I’m walking into an expensive clothing store - I expect appropriate attitude and manners which I didn’t receive.

  • Allie Barney

    Allie Barney


    The manager and OWNER at Shop Olivia, Maria Santiago, cancelled my order without even an explanation for over 72 hours. After leaving multiple messages and emails, she accused me of using a new customer coupon for my purchase. I used a RETURNING customer coupon for this purchase-one the shop-olivia sent to the exact email I used. I have spent $$$$$ with them, supporting a small business during the pandemic. The lack of professionalism in handling this situation is unbelievable. Will never shop again. Filing a formal complaint.

  • Ricardo Lozada

    Ricardo Lozada


  • Haydée Casellas

    Haydée Casellas


    Excellent selection of clothing and accessories for contemporary chic women.

  • Leonora Rodriguez

    Leonora Rodriguez


nærmeste Sko butik

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