Oriental Bank i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoOriental Bank



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Avenida Alejandrino, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-790-3717
internet side: orientalbank.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3707501, Longitude: -66.0865191

kommentar 5

  • Jackira Gutierrez

    Jackira Gutierrez


    Very slow since they changed employees there is only 1 fast girl and the horrible bank car I have been waiting for 40 minutes and nothing at all

  • Jenny Henriquez

    Jenny Henriquez


    Pretty fast service

  • Rafael Hernandez

    Rafael Hernandez


    The slowest of all. The one who is Manager in this branch does not work, he is a mummy sitting all day

  • Alex Fernandez-Rivas

    Alex Fernandez-Rivas


    This bank sucks so much that it don’t deserve a bad review, just to not even mention it

  • Carlos Laureano

    Carlos Laureano


    Greetings readers. I have to say that it is truly a bank with a terrible service. In the bank they did not want to attend me in person I had to talk through an ATM to try to change a check. Automatic bank which did not work because the person through him and this server did not listen to us. In the end as you wish, you had to attend me in person. Then they give me my money and I'm ready to leave that lousy place it turns out that I get stuck between the two security doors of the happy exit and I had to wait around 1 minute until they managed to open me and not even an apology were able to offer me Now rate and judge you.

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