Oriental Bank i Catano

Puerto RicoOriental Bank



🕗 åbningstider

142, Avenida Barbosa, 00632, Catano, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-788-1717
internet side: orientalbank.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4415223, Longitude: -66.1184189

kommentar 5

  • Rosa E Roldán

    Rosa E Roldán


    💲🏦The Oriental Bank is located on Avenida Barbosa in the municipality of Cataño, it is in front of the Gulf Gas Station, its time is 9:00 am. Until 4:00 p.m. The service is very good. They have the service car, in addition it has 2 ATMs running 24 hours a day they do not have parking. But the tellers attend quite fast. If you are thinking of opening a bank account this could be one of the places you can go. Customer service hours are Monday through Friday. The service of the staff is very efficient.

  • Jorge NIeves

    Jorge NIeves


    Thank you

  • Ruben Gomez (BenruPR)

    Ruben Gomez (BenruPR)


    Good location

  • Adam Brühl Rivera

    Adam Brühl Rivera


    Although I wasn't the one who went there to deposit and withdraw some money, my cousin did yet the service was on point. The girls were pretty humble to their clients.

  • sateesh reddy dodda

    sateesh reddy dodda


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