Oriental Palace i Dorado

Puerto RicoOriental Palace



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 693, 00646, Dorado, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-278-0667
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Latitude: 18.4635362, Longitude: -66.2727854

kommentar 5

  • en

    ángel cordero cruz


    Great food, beer super cold and good service

  • Mauricio Rivera

    Mauricio Rivera


    Sushi is nice. With no competition anywhere within a two mile radius this is as good as is going to get. The place is cozy and selection in the menu is good to satisfy anyone in the family. Waiting service is good however the sushi bar lacks a bit of passion. Fish is fresh and overall sushi is good.

  • Ricardo Correa

    Ricardo Correa


    One of my favorites spot in Dorado, the best Sushi and food. My kids love it!

  • es

    Elbie Oquendo


    Los mejores me encantan excelente

  • jose kerkado

    jose kerkado


    The place is not what it used to be, I think it has new administration. The food overall was mehhh but my mayor complain was the rice, it seemed kind of old.

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