Pan Castiel i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoPan Castiel



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3, Avenida Albolote, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-222-0755
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3628191, Longitude: -66.1133999

kommentar 5

  • Miguel Torres

    Miguel Torres


    Best Bakery in PR. Always fresh food, great variety, clean areas and awsome service. Recommend to check their coffee bar with a variety of the best coffees from Puerto Rico. My kids love it.

  • Luz Negron

    Luz Negron


    Good food quality even though a bit expensive.

  • Sonia Maldonado-Arroyo

    Sonia Maldonado-Arroyo


    I bought 3 "Guava Quesitos" and 7 regular "Quesitos." Ample parking, clean area, hand sanitizer available and fever meter reader installed at the entrance and fast service. The reason I am not giving them 4 "Stars" is because the prices are high.

  • Angie



    Mediocre service. Though they jave an array of local coffee, not all baristas are mindfull of extracting the best quality of each brand. Bread & pastries are good.

  • urania dominguez

    urania dominguez


    The best quesitos in the island. If you don't know what that is, must taste here. A little on the expensive side for a bakery but that doesn't stop people from packing the joint.

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