Panaderia El Punto i San Juan

Puerto RicoPanaderia El Punto



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Sabana Llana Sur, San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-283-3377
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3713738, Longitude: -66.037029

kommentar 5

  • Annabel Sepulveda

    Annabel Sepulveda


    Maaaalll servicio

  • en

    Ray Bautista


    It's a hometown local bakery with a variety of foods with very affordable prices, you will not go home hungry, you will need a doggybag.

  • en

    Doris Rodriguez


    Really huge sandwiches. Great tasting food!! Great prices. The employees should pay more attention to the customers.

  • Luis Polar

    Luis Polar


    Great local neighborhood Bakery. Offers a large variety of baked goods including sandwiches, coffee sodas and such. The place is very clean and bright. Bathrooms are also fairly clean, although the men's bathroom was missing the toilet seat. It has a nice wall with photographs and art from Puerto Rico and Cuba. The only drawback is very limited parking space on the outside of the shopping center.

  • es

    maria santiago


    Pan sabroso. Buen servicio.

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